Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cat Health Problems - Know When Your Cat is Ill

Like a baby, a cat's well being is quite easy to read. Once it stops being a lively pet chasing its yarn ball, you can definitely tell that something is not right. Symptoms such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting or any unusual behavior signify that your cat is undergoing some health problems. Being aware of the common cat health problems will save you from the stress of worrying and will help you to react properly to ameliorate the condition.

Being innately curious, cats will poke their noses unto almost every nook of the house. This curiosity, as the saying says, will certainly kill these pets in some conditions. Cats love to nibble on stuff that may be toxic and unsafe. They may chew on poisonous plants, sniff on some insecticides or lick on a mercury spill. Whenever your cat shows signs of nausea and upset stomach, consider this scenario as a possibility. Better yet, consult with the veterinarian beforehand and learn the steps to take to give first aid to a poisoned cat.

Cat hairballs is one of the most common cat health problems. Seeing your cat constantly choking and vomiting could be an indication that it has accumulated hairs in its stomach. As cats love to frequently lick and clean their bodies, a mass of hairs get stored inside the stomach causing this discomfort. The hairballs can pass out through the feces or can be vomited out.

Finally, suspecting something amiss with your little fur of a sweetheart is a good reason to be alarmed. Any minor cat health problems can develop into a fatally serious condition if left untreated. Consult the veterinarian to make sure that your kitty will stay as adorable as it is.


  1. 任何你憂慮的事,你都應該去採取一點行動,不要只是在那邊想..................................................

  2. 感謝您寫下您的生活,也是把珍寶來和諸君分享的心意。 ............................................................
