Monday, February 16, 2009

5 Natural Methods of Preventing Feline Urinary Problems

Feline urinary problems aren't inevitable. They can be easily prevented with some care and caution. The conventional veterinary treatments for feline urinary issues can be quite harsh not to mention expensive. You can save yourself a lot of money and trouble by preventing urinary issues with natural home treatment.

Here are 5 natural methods for preventing feline urinary tract infections. Try incorporating them into your cat's regular routine for optimal results. Just treating a problem when it arises isn't enough to maintain your cat's health. You must take care each day to keep your cat optimally healthy.

Give your cat cranberry juice. Cranberry juice acidifies the urine and makes it hard for bacteria to stick to bladder walls. The accumulation of bacteria is what leads to feline urinary problems after all.

Make sure to give your cat 100% cranberry juice. Avoid supermarket brands because they tend to contain corn syrup and other additives. Natural cranberry juice is not very tasty but you can add it to your cat's water bowl so it's less noticeable.

Make sure to switch to filtered water or bottled water. Tap water is not good for cats and can cause feline urinary tract infections because it often contains harmful chemicals and bacteria. Filtered water is safe and clean enough to flush out the harmful toxins that lead to urinary problems.

It's also important to ensure that your kitty gets water to drink each day. Soak his food in water or get him a water fountain bowl to ensure that his fluid intake is sufficient. Dehydration can cause feline urinary problems because it leads to a thickening of urine.

To strengthen your cat's immune system and make it easier for him to stay infection-free, give him vitamin C every day. Ask your vet how much is appropriate for your cat based on his size. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

Keep your cat's diet natural. Avoid overly processed commercial cat food. You can head to a natural foods store to find additive-free cat food or prepare your own. Make sure there is enough protein in the food.

Commercial cat food is a no-no because it contains too much carbohydrates and minerals. These ingredients in high concentrations can lead to an imbalance of the urine's pH level and thus create an environment where bacteria thrive.

Homeopathic remedies are the best defense against feline urinary problems. Urinary problems in cats are known to recur if the underlying imbalances are not addressed. Homeopathic remedies restore balance at a cellular level.

Homeopathic remedies are a great weapon against feline urinary tract infections because they contain powerful urinary tonics that are very effective yet side-effect free. They help to promote better urine flow and bladder functioning. To top it off, they improve your cat's overall health.

Give your cat a homeopathic remedy twice daily for the best results. You will notice a dramatic difference in the way your cat acts if you give him a homeopathic remedy. His energy level will improve and he will no longer suffer from urinary problems.

Keep these tips in mind so you can help your cat stay infection-free. Bladder problems are no fun for you or your cat. Avoid unnecessary veterinary bills and pain for your cat by making these natural methods for preventing feline urinary problems a regular part of his routine.

If you want to make sure you are giving your pets the best health care available, please take time to read more about the many natural alternatives at my site:

BIO: Ann Matthews is a long time pet health enthusiast with Native Remedies/Pet Alive who has a real passion for the well-being of all our pets.

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